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Richest Man in Argentina 2011

Friday, March 11, 2011

Carlos and Alejandro BulgheroniCarlos and Alejandro Bulgheroni

Net Worth :$5.1 B

Source: Bridas, inherited and growing

Residence: Buenos Aires, Argentina

Country of citizenship: Argentina

Gregorio Perez Companc & familyGregorio-Perez-Companc-family

Net Worth : $1.4 B

Age: 76

Source: food products, inherited

Residence: Buenos Aires, Argentina

Country of citizenship: Argentina

Education: Dropout, High School

Marital Status: Married

Children: 7


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Richest Man in Argentina 2011

Friday, March 11, 2011 ·

Carlos and Alejandro BulgheroniCarlos and Alejandro Bulgheroni

Net Worth :$5.1 B

Source: Bridas, inherited and growing

Residence: Buenos Aires, Argentina

Country of citizenship: Argentina

Gregorio Perez Companc & familyGregorio-Perez-Companc-family

Net Worth : $1.4 B

Age: 76

Source: food products, inherited

Residence: Buenos Aires, Argentina

Country of citizenship: Argentina

Education: Dropout, High School

Marital Status: Married

Children: 7