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Naveen Selvadurai Net Worth $80 Million USD

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Estimated Net Worth : $80 Million USDnaveen selvadurai

Naveen Selvadurai is an internet entrepreneur and founder of location based social networking site called

Naveen graduated with degrees from King's College London in the UK & Worcester Polytechnic Institute in the US, and went to work with Lucent, Sony, Nokia & Sun Microsystems before he started his mobile social networking venture Foursquare along with Dennis Crowley.  He has recently been listed in the 'World's New Young Millionaires' released by AOL Small Business.


                 Adjunct Professor at The Cooper Union

                 co-founder at foursquare


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Naveen Selvadurai Net Worth $80 Million USD

Wednesday, March 9, 2011 ·

Estimated Net Worth : $80 Million USDnaveen selvadurai

Naveen Selvadurai is an internet entrepreneur and founder of location based social networking site called

Naveen graduated with degrees from King's College London in the UK & Worcester Polytechnic Institute in the US, and went to work with Lucent, Sony, Nokia & Sun Microsystems before he started his mobile social networking venture Foursquare along with Dennis Crowley.  He has recently been listed in the 'World's New Young Millionaires' released by AOL Small Business.


                 Adjunct Professor at The Cooper Union

                 co-founder at foursquare